
round tables

 Monday, June 17,  1:00-2:00pm


Moderated by Guillaume Pouyanne, HDR Senior Lecturer in Economics, Bordeaux University

with the participation of :

- Claude Lacour, Emeritus Professor of Economics, University of Bordeaux

- Catherine Baumont, Professor of Economics, University of Burgundy

- Sébastien Bourdin, Professor of Economic Geography, EM Normandie Business School

- Frédéric Gaschet, Associate Professor of Economics, University of Bordeaux

- Emmanuelle Gaillard, researcher, a-urba, Bordeaux-Aquitaine urban planning agency

« Qu’amène le vin à la science économique et la science économique au vin ? »

Moderated by Jean-Marie CardebatProfesseur en sciences économiques, Bordeaux School of Economics, université de Bordeaux

with the participation of :

- Raphaël Chiappini (Bordeaux School of Economics)

- Jean-Marc Figuet (Bordeaux School of Economics)

- Gérard Spatafora (consultant en stratégie digitale Vins & Spiritueux, E-studioz sas)

Emmanuelle Taugourdeau (Institut Polytechnique de Paris-CREST), présidente du comité AFSE pour la promotion des femmes en économie (WinE)

Soledad Zignago (Banque de France)

Annie L. Cot, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne



Wednesday, June 19, 1:00-2:00pm 

A special session dedicated to a presentation of the Econometric Games. This is an international competition where university teams compete to solve complex empirical problems using advanced econometric techniques. This year, we have the opportunity to discover the brilliant solutions proposed by two French teams.

Teams in Presentation:
- Team 1: Thomas Jacquet and Benjamin Trouvé, Université Paris Nanterre
- Team 2: Arnault ChatelainENSAE/CREST

The objective of this session is threefold: to discover these Econometric Games, discuss the approaches taken by the different teams, and provide recommendations for future French teams.

Chairman: Samuel Ligonnière

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